Week 16!

Welcome to week 16! Great work on the blog this past week — bring that energy through to the close of the semester!

It’s exam preparation week, and in our course the assignments (Links to an external site.) are to work on your writing assignments on your websites. No new reading content!

Your last assignments are

  1. Unit D-F Blog post(s) (Links to an external site.) (due 12/16)  (Links to an external site.)
  2. Critical Analytical Reflection post (Links to an external site.) (due 12/11) or Project (Links to an external site.) (due 12/16)
  3. Finishing your websites (most of you are in good shape on this one)
  4. commenting on each other’s last Unit/Reflection/Project posts

If you want to swap the due dates for the Unit posts and Reflection, that is fine, you can do the Unit posts this week and Reflection next week.  Whatever works for you, but be sure to do either the Unit posts or the Reflection this week. Submit the links to your posts to the matching assignments in Canvas.

If you have an X for a past assignment or a missing past assignment that you would like to revise or redo, please contact me in office hours or email.

No video for this week. I’ll post the summary videos for Unit F soon.

As always, let me know if you have any questions!

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